Shower Wall Damage Caused By Toilet Cleaned Being Used Resulting in Etch Marks

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The Challenge

Damage to the the tiles had been caused to the Limestone shower wall by a cleaner using Toilet cleaner to attempt to remove limescale. The acid etched the limestone tile and left streaks visible. Cleaning was unable to remove the damage.

The Solution

The Limestone tile had to be restored using a diamond impregnated pad to cut through the damage and polish the surface. 


Before pictures showing the damaged tiles. 


The final picture shows the finished result. The damage has been polished out with the diamond impregnated pad and matched to the surrounding tiles. The wall was then dried and an imgregnating seal applied. 


No streaky marks just the natural beauty of the stone showing through, 




” Delighted with the work carried out. James was fantastic; very courteous and professional. thank you ”

Phillipa (Ascot)

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