Professional Hard Floor cleaning in Caversham. This was a Kitchen floor in Caversham near Reading. The client found that her usual maintenance mop just wasnt effective anymore on the dark grout lines. Professional Tile and Grout cleaning was needed.
The main problem for our client was although she could keep the Porcelain tile surface clean the grout lines remained dark with ingrained dirt. A test patch on some grout lines was completed and after seeing the results, the go ahead given for the kitchen floor to be cleaned.
To book your free demo call us on 01189102137.

With the preparations completed and plinths removed from the Kitchen we performed the clean. A grout brush and oscilitating machine used to remove the ingrained dirt from the grout joints. After the area had been cleaned the slurry was extracted with our machine and floor neutralised and rinsed. The client was so pleased with the results she recommended us the next week.